This is just how body will react when you're old and you'll get sick. For the past few weeks, she have been staying at our house and sleeping in my room. I've got to sleep with my brother because of the limited space in my room. Few years back, same thing happened. But this time it's different.
I'll just keep it short. At first, she's able to gamble and eat lunch and dinner with me. And watch her 4.30pm channel 8 drama show. But just after a week without us around, she became weak and weak and weak and weaker. Everyone is perparing for the worst. I do too. And i'm going to NS soon and it's very soon, just a few more days. I could only pray and give all the love i can. All of us will give her the love.
i dunnoe wht to say..
she has a better plan somewhere.
who are you?
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