
Monday, October 31, 2011


This road have never been easy for me right from the start. They make you feel like there's hope by letting you have your first price. And from there, they bring you down by giving you fines, disaster and poor consumers.


-Crying Koi tattoo on the road, England, Devon-

Friday, October 14, 2011


Firstly, it's the gates that scares me out.
Afterall, i'm "not" suppose to be here.

The area and the eye of the people are so scheming.
I don't know what to say but it's really a great experience.

First day.
I'm gonna hang it up.YEAH!!!

-Crying Koi Tattoo on the road, Bucharest Tattoo Convention, Romania.-

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Meet at the point.

Always i have this along side with me.
Pencil, pen, paper, brush, crayons, etc.
I did a little bit here and there while i was growing up.
Never once i was completed.

Only a few years back it seems to have found me,
or i have found them.
I'm glad we have found each other.

I'm here to complete what i should have completed in those days.

-Crying Koi tattoo on the road, Belgium-

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I'm having too much energy in me right now.
How is it possible that i'm able to master that?
Ideas Ideas Ideas.

-Crying Koi Tattoo on the road, Holland-