After a long time, the feeling of drawing is back.
Had a long and tiring week, some achievements are done and some are
left undone. But who are cares, nobody brings everything with them
into the coffin.
Some interesting fact, but i forget most of it. I was at Hong Kong airport and about to get through the gate and we have to take a bus to the plane and walked up the stairs like some superstars and there's rain pouring on us. Ok, i was in the bus alone and these couple suddenly just walked in and stand beside me. The guy was highly intoxicated as i can smell it and his face is bursing red. And the girl was just standing beside him. They were arguing over some matter and i was like the middle man because i was so close to them as the bus was packed. They are singaporeans as the way they speak and the red passport they holding on.
For the whole conversation, from what i know is that they are going to break up. But the converstaion to me is very funny. The guy keep talking but the girl wanted to talk too but was again interrupted by the guy..... Typical Singaporean guys. So what i heard for the conversation are...." Frankly speaking....."----" Frankly speaking ar..." Bla Bla Bla. They are talking about changes and everything. I just cant help but listen to their conversation. But i have to make it not that obvious that i'm listening to their conver.
The whole bus ride last for about 10 mins and they argued from the start of waiting for the bus to be packed till the bus reached the plane. Total i would say 20 mins?? But in the middle of their conversation.
I just wanted to turn around and say.........
" Ey..Fuck it and just break up. Both of you guys will find someone else in no matter of time."
I liked my drawing alot.